Shiau-Jie Rau

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✨ Home ~~🐾 Publication 🐾~~ ✨ Teaching


🌟 Papers

✨ Evolution of Main-Sequence-like Surviving Companions in Type Ia Supernova Remnants (2022)
✨ Modelling the evolution of PAH abundance in galaxies (2019)

🌟 Presentations and Posters

✨ 2022 Astrofest
-- Common Envelope Shaping of Planetary Nebulae
✨ 2020 ASROC (Astronomical Society of the Republic of China) annual meeting
-- Hiding Surviving Companions in Type Ia Supernova Remnants
✨ 2020 TPS (Physical Society of Taiwan) annual meeting
-- Characterizing Surviving Companions After Type Ia Supernova explosions
✨ 2019 ASROC (Astronomical Society of the Republic of China) annual meeting
-- Modelling the evolution of PAH abundance in galaxies
-- Charactering the surviving companion after a type Ia supernova explosion